Today’s work consisted in finishing the undercoats of the hoplite and Immortal I started yesterday. I did the same color scheme to save paint and am happy with how they’ve come out thus far. Now I have to decide what shield to give the Immortal: a crescent, figure-8 or Spara. If you have any thoughts feel free to chime in! Next up is another hoplite to help the Greeks catch-up to the Persians (though they’ll still be outnumbered ultimately).
I gave eyebrows a go on this immortal. Not sure it was quite successful, but I am experimenting with giving the minis a bit more detail.
Now they just need some accessories (and touch-ups): a sword for the hoplite, spear and shield (I'll use a Victrix transfer for that) and the shield for the Immortal (once I decide on which one to use). Then they'll get washed, highlighted and based. Since I want to use these guys for both Warhammer Ancient Battles and Mortal Gods, I am going to have to come up with some creative compromise for the basing that I have yet to figure out.