Monday, September 7, 2020

Thracian Test & Another Hoplite

The last few days I have worked on a Thracian w/ Rhomphaia (by Warlord Games); with him I tried some colors I have not used as much--Vallejo blue-violet and blue-green. The result is not quite what I was hoping for. The colors are just too close together on the color-wheel and do not look great side-by-side in my opinion. I think that while I love purple, I am going to start using it less on these minis as it was not as common a color during the time-period I am going for. 

Additionally, I have finished base-coating and washing a second hoplite. I am far more pleased with the results I achieved with him vs those of the Thracian. 

Here we have the Thracian & Hoplite in-progress.



With Washes   

 The lighting in that last picture is not the best. I'll try to improve my camera skills in the future.

And a comparison shot with the previous hoplite.


All-in-all, it's nice to keep making progress and to experiment with minis that will make up smaller factions in the armies. My hope is that in their eventual unit of 12, that particular Thracian will look a bit better in aggregate as opposed to how he does right now solo. Next update will probably be working on previously-base-coated minis that I left at home that I am having shipped to me at school to finish up.


  1. Great stuff, it is a interesting period to Wargame

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Merci Matt!
      Remercie pour votre réaction au sujet des couleurs de la tunique de l'hoplite.
      Mon idée était que la tunique change depuis bleu à violet dessous l'armour. Mais, je sais que c'est un peu alambiqué. En le futur et le prochain fois, je vais suivre vos conseils.
